Saqqara - the Step Pyramid of Zoser (3rd Dynasty), the older of the great pyramids. It is known as the step pyramid, for its rather strange shape. It is made out of six rectangular blocks of diminishing size

Giza Pyramids - One of the 7 wonders of the ancient world.
Cairo Citadel

The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, known commonly as the Egyptian Museums, in Cairo, Egypt, is home to the most extensive collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities in the world. It has 120,000 items, with a representative amount on display, the remainder in storerooms.
Theban Village

Entrance to the Valley of the Kings and Queens - According to mythology, when the Greeks invaded the area, and were passing next to these statues, they were scared away from the cry of two crows that were sitting inside the statues head.

Valley of the Kings

Luxor and Karnak Temples
